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The relationship between artist and model is often personal and complex—and it can add depth and power to a work of art.
The artist shares the thinking, questioning, and experiences that take shape in her Art Institute installation, Unsewn Time.
The conservation of works of art happens behind the scenes and at its best is something you don’t even notice.
Using new technology, conservators can predict how long a work on paper can safely be exhibited and exposed to light.
Inspired by modernist ideals and the East Village art scene, he turned away from corporate branding to embrace a fun-loving and deeply progressive spirit of design.
Meet three Korean modern artists for whom painting is a deeply spiritual practice.
The artist’s dynamic and highly influential work, like his biography, contrasts darkness and light.
Looking to spice things up with creative activities, imaginative artworks, or just a really good chicken sandwich? It’s all here.
Sometimes art unexpectedly results from our desire to refine and organize information.
In the 1880s the new mix of industry and nature in the evolving Parisian suburbs prompted Van Gogh and his contemporaries to experiment with radical painting approaches.
For artists María Dávila and Eduardo Portillo, the world of each textile contains multitudes.
Looking deeper into a painting can reveal more mysteries than it solves.
Meet a few of the people—a friend, a printer, an art dealer, a romantic partner, and two children—who impacted the artist and his work.
It’s Stephen Sondheim’s 90th birthday. Celebrate with a look at Sunday in the Park with George and A Sunday on La Grande Jatte—1884.
“This head of Christ,” the artist said, “is an acid test of American democracy.”
Curator Lorien Yonker goes beyond the glass to share some of the unseen ways our cases help protect the art within them.
After undergoing extensive as well as inventive conservation, this beautiful rendering of Shiva Nataraja and his attendants is now ready for public view.
This is the first in a series where we apply an answer to one of your many FAQs.
And what they find helps to develop and refine their personal artistic visions.
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