The Ryerson and Burnham Libraries’ catalog will lead you to articles, artist files, books, and exhibition catalogues for an artist. For best results, use the Library Catalog search scope, and enter the artist’s name, last name, first name (example: Monet, Claude). The following resources will also be helpful in learning more about specific artists and their artworks.
Catalogues Raisonnés
Look for a piece in the most comprehensive catalogue of the artist’s known works. Please note these are not available for all artists. The International Foundation for Art Research maintains a free database of published and forthcoming catalogues raisonnés.
In the library catalog, search the Library Catalog scope for: [Artist’s name; Last Name, First Name] – Catalogues raisonnés (example: Hopper, Edward – Catalogues raisonnés).
Artist Files
The Ryerson & Burnham Libraries have over 35,000 artist files, which contain small exhibition catalogs, checklists, clippings, images, and fliers for artists, galleries, museums, and art schools. These are described in the catalog: the location and material type is Pamphlets. See also the New York Public Library’s artists file on microfiche (call number 1990 3).
Biographical Reference Resources
Ryerson Index
Look for articles on an artist, particularly if the artist was in the Chicago area and was active in the early to mid-20th century. This includes references to the Art Institute of Chicago Scrapbooks.
Full Title: Index to Art Periodicals (1962)
Signature Directories
If you do not have the name of the work you are researching, but it has a signature, try resources such as these.
Reproduction Indices
Track down works that reproduce a painting, such as World Painting Index or Art Reproductions.
Art Dictionaries
Art dictionaries are useful for biographies, introductions to periods of art, and the bibliographies that accompany entries; the Grove Dictionary of Art and Oxford Art Online (this subscription resource is available in the reading room) are good examples. Works such as the Dictionary of Art Terms can also be useful for definitions and explanations of terms and periods of art, as well as illustrations and diagrams for entries.
Articles on Art, Artists, and Related Topics
These subscription resources provide citations and some full-text articles on art, artists, and related topics. Unless otherwise noted, they are available onsite at the Art Institute of Chicago and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago campus. Faculty, students, and staff at the Art Institute of Chicago and School of the Art Institute of Chicago can also access most of these resources from other locations with an ARTIC username and password via the Art, Architecture, and Design Resources Page.
Newspaper Databases
The Libraries subscribe to online regional and national newspaper databases, which can be used to locate biographical or exhibition information.
These resources are accessible in the Ryerson & Burnham Libraries via the Newspapers Resources Page.
Auction Databases
The Libraries subscribe to a number of auction databases, most of which cover auctions from the last 20 years.
These resources are accessible in the Ryerson & Burnham Libraries via the Auction Resources Page.