Exhibitions and Events
Explore our wide-ranging exhibitions and various programs for all ages.
04 Apr Thu
Art Exchange
Visitors of all ages are invited to stop by the Ryan Learning Center and explore a variety of activities.
Drop-In Sketching
Take inspiration from the painting and sculpture of Europe to sketch in the galleries.
Gallery Tour
Looking for a good place to start your museum visit? Join a knowledgeable guide for a tour of museum icons and lesser-known treasures. This tour starts at the Grand Staircase, on the first level near the glass doors.
Free -
Gallery Tour
Looking for a good place to start your museum visit? Join a knowledgeable guide for a tour of museum icons and lesser-known treasures. This tour starts in the Modern Wing’s Griffin Court.
05 Apr Fri
Art Exchange
Visitors of all ages are invited to stop by the Ryan Learning Center and explore a variety of activities.
Gallery Tour
Looking for a good place to start your museum visit? Join a knowledgeable guide for a tour of museum icons and lesser-known treasures. This tour starts at the Grand Staircase, on the first level near the glass doors.
Free -
Visita Guiada en Español
¿Quieres explorar el museo, pero no sabes por dónde empezar? Únete a un guía experto para un recorrido de 45 minutos sobre obras de arte icónicas y otros tesoros menos conocidos del museo. Este recorrido comienza en la Escalera Principal (Grand Staircase), en el primer nivel junto a las puertas de cristal.
Free -
Conversación en las galerías: ¿Qué hace a un héroe?
Acompaña a Katie Barko y Gaby Lavalle, educadoras del museo, en una conversación en las galerías para indagar sobre las complejidades del heroísmo a través del arte.
Gallery Tour
Looking for a good place to start your museum visit? Join a knowledgeable guide for a tour of museum icons and lesser-known treasures. This tour starts in the Modern Wing’s Griffin Court.
06 Apr Sat