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Gallery Conversation: Which Painting Should the Aliens See First?

Fri, Jul 19 | 2:00–3:00


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  • Free with museum admission; no registration required.

Alma Thomas

Join museum educators Maura Flood and Atlas Babcock in the Modern Wing to find artworks that offer interesting answers to a list of unlikely, counterintuitive, and human-centered questions. Determine which artwork misses its grandma or knows karate. Decide which masterpiece the aliens should see first. This exploratory program has no right or wrong answers.

what to expect

This program takes place on the second floor of the Modern Wing, which is accessible by stair or elevator. For help with navigation, pick up a copy of our Visitor Guide onsite or ask any of the staff and volunteers present. They’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please note that this program involves moving around the second floor, with short stops at various works. Some locations will have seating, while others will not.

about the facilitators

Atlas Babcock is an intern in the department of Interpretation. They are a current graduate student at SAIC studying arts administration and policy and also hold a B.A. in art history and an associate’s degree in fine arts. In their current role, they’re learning the inner workings of museum programming and how to connect with the public through art.

Maura Flood is the director of creative spaces and special projects at the Art Institute of Chicago. In this role, she leads the design of installations and art-making programs for family audiences in the Ryan Learning Center. Inspired by creativity across all ages, Maura’s practice explores experiential and play-based learning.

“Which Painting Should the Aliens See First?” is inspired by “Who Is Your Soulmate?” an in-gallery activity created by director of gallery activation Sam Ramos and director of creative spaces and special projects Maura Flood for Wicked Arts Assignments.


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