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Photo of a large group of people in the Art Institute's Pritzker Garden seated at small bistro tables or standing at bar-height tables, enjoying a party. Img 4987 2

Luminary Garden Party: Georgia O’Keeffe—“My New Yorks”

Fri, Jun 14 | 6:00–8:30



Admission actions

Luminary are invited to experience Georgia O’Keeffe: “My New Yorks” like no one else—with the exhibition curators, cocktails, and live music in the garden.

Celebrate this highly anticipated show, the first to seriously examine O’Keeffe’s paintings, drawings, and pastels of urban landscapes. Her “New Yorks” are essential to understanding how she became the artist we know today.

This gathering will open with a welcome from chair and curator Sarah Kelly Oehler followed by time to connect with fellow Luminary and both Sarah and co-curator Annelise K. Madsen, with an open bar and light bites available, as well as live music throughout the evening.

The exhibition will also be open for your viewing throughout the event.

Attendance is exclusive to Luminary members, special guests, and exhibition sponsors. Invitations will be sent to eligible individuals, and advance registration by June 1 is required. To register, contact

Coat check and valet will be available.

Interested in joining Luminary? Please reach out to us at or (312) 443-3735 to begin enjoying the benefits of membership in this dedicated community of art enthusiasts, including exclusive opportunities with artists and curators, behind-the-scenes tours, VIP tickets, and invitations to travel.

event schedule

Reception begins in Pritzker Garden

Welcome address in Pritzker Garden
Sarah Kelly Oehler
Field-McCormick Chair and Curator, Arts of the Americas, and Vice President, Curatorial Strategy

Reception continues in Pritzker Garden
Exhibition viewing in Regenstein Hall


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