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Member Lecture: Radical Clay—Contemporary Women Artists from Japan

Sat, Dec 16 | 2:00–3:00

Member Exclusive


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Liberation, 2022.

Konno Tomoko. Carol and Jeffrey Horvitz Collection.

A human organ, a crushed beer box, a creature made of plants, a small tornado––these are all descriptions of ceramic works created by contemporary Japanese artists. In Radical Clay: Contemporary Women Artists from Japan, ceramicists move beyond practical forms to create sculptures that are often curious and always captivating.

Join Janice Katz, Roger L. Weston Associate Curator of Japanese Art, for a member-exclusive discussion of this stunning show.

Please note that this is an in-person event that takes place at the museum.

In accordance with state and City of Chicago guidelines, visitors to the museum are no longer required to wear masks or provide proof of vaccination. Anyone who would like to continue to wear a mask is welcome to do so. Learn more about our visiting policies and what to expect.

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