The Art Institute of Chicago, 2021
The Lithographs of James McNeill Whistler, first published in 1998, remains a definitive scholarly resource. This digital edition makes its contents accessible, for free, to readers around the world. Its elegant translation of the two-volume print version unites the original scholarship with interactive digital components, including links to cross-references throughout the publication and high-resolution, zoomable images of the artist’s work and materials. The catalogue features six essays, 181 catalogue entries, 16 untransferred lithographs, 171 letters, 329 lifetime and posthumous watermarks, and more.
Edited by Harriet K. Stratis and Martha Tedeschi; digital edition overseen by Jay A. Clarke and Sarah Kelly Oehler; with essays by Katharine A. Lochnan and Nicholas Smale; entries by Nesta R. Spink, Harriet K. Stratis, and Martha Tedeschi with the assistance of Britt Salvesen; “Whistler-Way Correspondence” edited by Nicholas Smale; “Whistler’s Papers” and “Compilation of Watermarks” by Harriet K. Stratis and Martha Tesechi; and contributions by Kevin Sharp
Major support for this catalogue is provided by the Lunder Consortium for Whistler Studies.