Alivé Piliado

Alivé Piliado Santana is the curatorial associate at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago, as part of the Advancing Latinx Art in Museums initiative. In collaboration with Caitlin Haskell and Tamar Kharatishvili, she co-curated Frida Kahlo’s Month in Paris: A Friendship with Mary Reynolds. Previously, she was a research associate in Modern and Contemporary Art at the Art Institute of Chicago. Piliado has also worked as a curator at national art museums in Mexico City and has contributed to numerous international exhibitions on modern Mexican art.
Remedios Varo’s Still Life Reviving (Naturaleza muerta resucitando)
The artist’s final painting, a dynamic and magical rumination on new life, is the latest addition to our Surrealism galleries.
Caitlin Haskell and Alivé Piliado -
Witchy Worlds: Summoning Remedios Varo on All Hallows Eve
A potent witchiness inhabits the paintings of Remedios Varo, suggesting a belief in unseen realities.
Tere Arcq, Lara Balikci, Caitlin Haskell, and Alivé Piliado -
The Dueling Dualities of Remedios Varo
Discover the diverse techniques and seemingly incompatible fields of knowledge the artist used to create her endlessly enchanting paintings.
Lara Balikci, Mary Broadway, Alivé Piliado, Katrina Rush, and Caitlin Haskell -
Emerging Voices: Listening to Our Interns
Meet some of the future movers and shakers of the ever-changing art museum world.
Rachel Joy Echiverri Rowland, JB Fry, Doyun Kim, Alivé Piliado, Mimosa Shah, and Gabriela Trinidad-Pérez