About this artwork
Nicolaes Bechem went to Italy in 1642 and remained there for three years; he may have returned in the 1650s. Most of his painted works are Italianate landscapes peopled with travelers and animals. Like Jan Both, Berchem was influenced by the work of Claude Lorrain.
- Currently Off View
- Prints and Drawings
- Nicolaes Berchem
- Landscape with Waterfalls and Bridges, Peasants in the Foreground
- Netherlands (Artist's nationality:)
- 1665–1675
- Black chalk, with brush and black wash, on cream laid paper
- Inscribed recto, lower center, on mount, in graphite: "N. Berchem"; verso, upper left, in graphite: "17"; center, in pen and brown ink: "%1"; center, in graphite: "M"; lower left, in graphite: "J. v. Lidl, Nr. 113"; lower right, in graphite: "LGu. Cichorius (1908) u. Huldschinsky (1931)"
- 25.3 × 30.7 cm (10 × 12 1/8 in.)
Credit Line
- Worcester Sketch Fund
Reference Number
- 1982.502
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/97689/manifest.json
Extended information about this artwork
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