Frederick A. Sweet, Ivan Albright: A Retrospective Exhibition, exh. cat. (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1964), cat. 26.
Art Institute of Chicago, Works by Ivan L. Albright from the Collection, exh. cat. (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1978), cat. 20.
Sarah Kelly Oehler, ed., Ivan Albright Paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2019),, cat. 17 (ill.).
Venice, Italy, American Artists Paint the City, U.S. Pavillion, Venice XXVIII Biennale, Jun–Sept. 1956, p. 15, ill. pl. 9.
Art Institute of Chicago, 65th American Exhibition: Some Directions in Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Jan. 5–Feb. 18, 1962, cat. 4.
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Dunn International Exhibition, Nov. 14–Dec. 14, 1963, cat. 2; London, Tate Gallery.
Art Institute of Chicago, Ivan Albright Retrospective Exhibition, Oct. 30–Dec. 27, 1964, cat.; New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Feb. 3–Mar. 21, 1965.
New York, Whitney Museum, Art in the United States, Sept. 27–Nov. 27, 1966, cat. 2.
Art Institute of Chicago, Ivan Albright, Feb. 20–May 11, 1997, cat.; New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Ivan Albright: Magic Realist, June 10–Sept. 7, 1997.
Ivan Albright (1897–1983); given to the Art Institute of Chicago, 1977.
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