About this artwork
In contrast to the wild man, woman, and child seen nearby (1956.917 and 1944.608), this engraving portrays a member of civilization. Only virgins were said to be able to attract and tame unicorns; by including the mythical beast in the shield, Schongauer emphasized the subject’s purity. Later Northern European artists such as Albrecht Dürer would frequently feature this type of grassy bench in depictions of tender moments between the Virgin Mary and Christ Child.
- Currently Off View
- Prints and Drawings
- Martin Schongauer
- Shield with a Unicorn, Held by a Lady
- Germany (Artist's nationality:)
- 1480–1490
- Engraving in black on ivory laid paper
- 7.6 × 7.6 cm (3 × 3 in.)
Credit Line
- Clarence Buckingham Collection
Reference Number
- 1944.610
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/90006/manifest.json
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