About this artwork
Generally, the groups of women depicted in prints were courtesans and their attendants, possibly waiting for male guests. In this unusual print, well-dressed women of the upper classes arrive in the large open parlor of the palace of a daimyo (a provincial governor) near the sea at Suma. The three votive-style hangings in the tokonoma (alcove) in the right background indicate the poetry party. Shown are three ancient poets revered in the Edo period: eighth-century Kakinomoto no Hitomaro and Yamabe no Akihito; in the center is the sixth-century poetess Sotori.
- Currently Off View
- Arts of Asia
- Chôbunsai Eishi
- A Woman's Poetry Party
- Japan (Artist's nationality:)
- 1788–1798
- Color woodblock print; oban triptych
- 37.7 × 74.4 cm (14 7/8 × 29 5/16 in.); Left sheet: 37.7 × 24.2 cm (14 7/8 × 9 9/16 in.); Center sheet: 37.7 × 25.4 cm (14 7/8 × 10 in.); Right sheet: 37.7 × 24.8 cm (14 7/8 × 9 13/16 in.)
Credit Line
- Clarence Buckingham Collection
Reference Number
- 1928.1063
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/89423/manifest.json
Extended information about this artwork
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