About this artwork
This twelve-pointed star is composed of glazed cut tiles that were assembled as a mosaic. Although mosaics were not uncommon at this time, other extant star tiles of this period were typically fired in one piece. The vivid color scheme of turquoise and cobalt highlight the mosaic’s intricate pattern of flowers and scrolls. A mosaic like this one might have formed a central decorative element on the pulpit of a mosque or it may have adorned the walls of a grand hall or madrasa, a religious school.
- Currently Off View
- Arts of Asia
- Islamic
- Twelve-Point Star Tile
- Iran (Object made in)
- 1450–1499
- Glazed fritware tiles cut and reassembled as a mosaic
- H.: 59.7 cm (23 1/2 in.)
Credit Line
- Gift of Frank G. Logan
Reference Number
- 1925.40
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/86467/manifest.json
Extended information about this artwork
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