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Fishing Recluse by an Autumn Grove (秋林漁隱圖)

A work made of hanging scroll, ink and color on paper.
CC0 Public Domain Designation

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  • A work made of hanging scroll, ink and color on paper.


late Ming/early Qing dynasty, 17th century


Sheng Mao (attributed, 盛懋)
Chinese (1310-1360)

About this artwork

This painting bears a spurious signature of the Yuan dynasty painter Sheng Mou , is likely a 17th-century wholesale recreation of a recorded original of the same title and date done by Sheng Mou for the 14th-century poet Lu Pu. As such, the painting evidences the attention that Sheng Mou’s work attracted in the early 17th century, and references in the spurious inscriptions a network of recorded and transmitted paintings seemingly created in imitation of the same original. While the brushwork is related to known 17th-century painting styles, the subject matter and composition of this painting do homage to compositions associated with the work of Sheng Mou.


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Arts of Asia


Sheng Mao


Fishing Recluse by an Autumn Grove (秋林漁隱圖)


China (Artist's nationality:)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.



Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper


Inscriptions: ( Aschwin Lippe) 1. upper left corner of painting: artist's inscription: "On the fifteenth day of the fifth moon of the gengyin year of the Zhizheng reign (1350), Sheng Mou, stylename Zizhao, of Wutang, made 'Fishing Recluse by an Autumn Grove' for Zhuxi (stylename of the late Yuan poet Lu Pu)." 2. upper right corner of painting: by Lin Yong (unknown author): "There is a vastness of cold turbulence in the dark clouded sky; Over the forest in the plain, the sunset glow brightens the red maples; On the road to Chang'an, yellow dust beats against the horses; Only this old angler is like a breakwater of stone". 3. second inscription from right in upperright corner: by Wang Fu (1362-1416): "The bustling crowds become daily more annoying; How can one stop such troublesome clamor?; If my heart becomes quiet altogether; Perhaps I may clear away the source of this (confusion); Heaven is high and the Four Mountains are wrapped in silence. In the setting sun a solitary cloud fades away; Supreme laws of nature are present everywhere; In the urban marketplace as in the rural garden; You, sir, have grasped this wonder and responded; Though I have lost the memory of how to say it. Written by the man of the Nine-Dragon Mountain, Wang Fu". 3. colophon on the mounting to the left of the painting: clearly spurious, signed Gao Shiqi (1645-1703), dated 1688 "There, through the tall and ancient pines, the waters course and flow; On rocks of paths scarce-travelled now, in patches mosses grow; How much the Autumn'slight and shade delights the feeling eye; I recall Tiao Zha after rain, the mountains were just so!. Inscribed in the first decade of the tenth moon of the wucheng year of Kangxi (1688) by Jiangcun (stylename of Gao Shiqi)". Seals: 1. Seals of artist, following his inscription: 'Sheng Mou', 'Zizhao'. 2. collector's seals: 3 spurious seals of Gao Shiqi; 5 spurious seals of the Qianlong imperial court.


102.8 × 34.9 cm (40 1/2 × 13 3/4 in.)

Credit Line

Nickerson Fund

Reference Number


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