About this artwork
In the early 19th century, industrial approaches to production created a new middle-class market for small-scale bronze statuettes, which were displayed in domestic interiors. This statuette is a reduced version of a larger-than-life composition depicting the ancient Greek poet Anacreon cradling Bacchus and Cupid. As the god of wine and pleasure, the infant Bacchus is wreathed in vine leaves and holds a bunch of grapes. Cupid, god of love, bears feathered wings and presses his cheek to the poet’s. French bronze foundry Barbedienne reproduced this popular work in five different sizes.
- Currently Off View
- Painting and Sculpture of Europe
- Jean Léon Gérôme
- Anacreon with the Infants Bacchus and Cupid
- France (Artist's nationality:)
- Modeled 1878
- Bronze
- 72.4 × 43.8 cm (28 1/2 × 17 1/4 in.)
Credit Line
- Gift of Gustave Leblanc Barbedienne
Reference Number
- 1893.287
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/729/manifest.json
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