Rumalde van Eysinga, The Hague [according to 1955 Park-Bernet catalogue; this is likely to be Ayzo Epeus van Humalda van Eysinga (1878-1958)]. Cooling Gallery Ontario Limited, Toronto, by 1955 [telephone conversation with Rose Merola of Hirschl and Adler, April 23, 2004]; sold by Cooling Gallery to Hirshl and Adler, New York, 1955 [see record of conversation cited above]; sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, October 26, 1955, lot 62 to J. H. King [presumably as agent for Rosenberg, see above]; Paul Rosenburg, New York, 1955; sold to Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Clarke, 1955; given by them to the Art Institute, 1987.