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Christ Carrying the Cross

A work made of oil on panel.
CC0 Public Domain Designation

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  • A work made of oil on panel.


c. 1425


Master of the Worcester Carrying of the Cross (active c. 1400–c. 1450)

About this artwork

Brutal tormentors surround the suffering figure of Jesus as he carries his cross to Calvary, the site of his crucifixion. In the upper-left corner, his mother, Mary, and her companion are also reviled by the crowd. Like many German Late Gothic images of Christ’s Passion, this painting reflects the prophetic words of Psalm 22, which describe how Jesus will be persecuted with ridiculing facial expressions, offensive gestures, and physical torture. The panel was probably intended as a focal point for individual meditation, perhaps as part of a small, portable altarpiece. It is the only surviving panel painting by an artist whose expressive style was highly influential in Southern Germany in the early 15th century.


On View, Gallery 202


Painting and Sculpture of Europe


Master of the Worcester Carrying of the Cross


Christ Carrying the Cross


Germany (Artist's nationality:)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.



Oil on panel


Inscribed: …alem[i?] (on halo at extreme left), maria.virg. (on Virgin’s halo)


24.6 × 19.5 cm (9 11/16 × 7 11/16 in.); Framed: 29.8 × 24.7 × 4.5 cm (11 3/4 × 9 3/4 × in.)

Credit Line

Charles H. and Mary F. S. Worcester collection

Reference Number


IIIF Manifest  The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) represents a set of open standards that enables rich access to digital media from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions around the world.

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