Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.
Haus, Andreas. 1978. “Moholy-Nagy.” Schirmer/Mosel, Munich. p. 85.
Hight, Eleanor M. 1985. “Moholy-Nagy: Photography and Film in Weimar Gallery.” Exh. cat. Wellesley College Museum. p. 103, fig. 72.
Art Institute of Chicago, “Photographs from the Julien Levy Collection: Starting with Atget,” December 11, 1976–February 20, 1977; traveled to the International Center of Photography, New York, April 21-May 29, 1977; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, November 4-December 18 1977; Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 13-Ferbruary 26, 1978; Lakeview Center for the Arts and Sciences, Peoria, Illinois, March 16-April 30, 1978; and Cincinnati Art Museum, November 17-December 24, 1978. (David Travis)
Wellesley, Massachusetts, Wellesley College Museum, “Moholy-Nagy, Photography and Film in Weimar Germany,” April 10–June 10, 1985; traveled to Houston, Texas, The Museum of Fine Arts, November 2, 1985–January 5, 1986; Art Institute of Chicago, January 31–April 13, 1986.
Spain, Valencia, IVAM Centre Julio González, “László Moholy-Nagy,” 11 February -7 April; traveled to Germany, Kassel, Museum Fredericianum, 21 April-16 June; France, Marseilles, Musée Cantini, 5 July-15 September.
Art Institute of Chicago, “Moholy-Nagy and Present Company,” April 29-September 24, 1995. (David Travis)
London, England, Tate Modern, “Albers and Moholy-Nagy: From Bauhaus to the New World,” March 9–June 4, 2006; traveled to Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany, June 15–October 15, 2006; New York, NY, Whitney Museum of American Art, October 31, 2006–January 1, 2007.
New York, New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, “Moholy_Nagy: Future Present,” May 25-September 7, 2016; traveled to Art Institute of Chicago, October 2, 2016-January 3, 2017; and Los Angeles County Museum of Art, February 8-June 18, 2017.
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