Sir Charles Turner, London, by 1908; his sale, Rudolph Lepke, Berlin, November 17, 1908, p. 10, no. 3, and illustration on p. 18, as Bernardo Belotto. Possibly A. S. Drey, Munich [according to Constable and Links 1976]. Antonio Dal Zotto (died 1918), Venice [according to Paris 1928 when the picture and its pendant, 1957.48, were lent by Federico Gentili di Giuseppe]. Federico Gentili di Giuseppe, Paris, (died 1940), by 1917 [see Oulmont 1917]; by descent to his daughter Adriana Salem, Paris and Cambridge, Massachusetts, by 1952 [according to Kleinberger stock card in European Painting Department, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the painting was on loan to the Fogg Museum of Art from 1952–54]; by descent to her son, Daniel Salem, Paris [according to stock card referenced above]; sold to F. Kleinberger & Co., New York, 1956 [according to stock card referenced above and a letter from Harry G. Sperling to Daniel Catton Rich dated November 1, 1956 in curatorial file]; purchased by the Art Institute from F. Kleinberger & Co. with funds provided by Mrs. Clive Runnells (died 1977), who maintained a partial life interest in the picture.