About this artwork
Minamoto no Yoshitsune is one of the most famous samurai in Japanese history. A real warrior from the 12th century, Yoshitsune became a legendary figure that featured in folktales, such as one recounting how as a young man he defeated the giant Benkei at Gojō Bridge in Kyoto. This dramatic triptych features the eight goblins, or tengu, who aided Yoshitsune in this battle, including the tengu king, Sōjōbō, who was said to have taught Yoshitsune swords-manship. He can be seen at the top of the center panel, dressed as a Buddhist monk. The young warrior himself is perched on the edge of the bridge railing while the goblins subdue the giant.
- Currently Off View
- Arts of Asia
- Utagawa Kuniyoshi
- The Young Yoshitsune defeats Benkei at Gojo Bridge
- Japan (Artist's nationality:)
- 1843–1853
- Color woodblock prints; oban triptych
Credit Line
- Purchased with funds provided by Mrs. Daniel Green
Reference Number
- 1975.477
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/49141/manifest.json
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