Descended through Vanderveer family, Perth Amboy, NJ, 1717–1925. With Charles F. Heartman (1883–1953), Metuchen, NJ, 1925. With Robert Fridenberg (1860–1946), New York, 1925. With M. A. Newhouse & Sons, New York, by December 14, 1925; sold to Judge Nathaniel C. and Mrs. Laura Davidson Sears (1855–1930), Lake Geneva, WI, and Daytona Beach, FL, 1926; given to the Elgin Academy, Elgin, IL, by 1949 [The Laura Davidson Sears Academy of Fine Arts of The Elgin Academy, Elgin, Ill., The Willson Press, n.d., cat. 23, then attributed to John Watson (1685–1768)]; sold to the Art Institute of Chicago, 1967.