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Passing Through the Opposite of What It Approaches, Chapter 25

A work made of acrylic, silk-screened tempera, gesso on wood.

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  • A work made of acrylic, silk-screened tempera, gesso on wood.




R. H. Quaytman
American, born 1961

About this artwork

Since 2000 R. H. Quaytman has produced over twenty-five “chapters” of paintings, each chapter structured around a specific theme or concept and comprising numerous individual works. Exhibited at the Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Passing Through the Opposite of What It Approaches, Chapter 25 revisits aspects of the venue’s exhibition history and interior architecture. The work’s composition includes allusions to two of the artist’s artistic influences—Niele Toroni (the panel’s silkscreened background is of a Toroni work as installed at the Society in 1990) and Daniel Buren (whose signature vertical stripes punctuate the image). Chapter 25 enacts a larger art historical dialogue and performs as a visual archive of the Renaissance Society.


Currently Off View


Contemporary Art


R. H. Quaytman


Passing Through the Opposite of What It Approaches, Chapter 25


United States (Object made in)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.



Acrylic, silk-screened tempera, gesso on wood


82.2 × 133 cm (32 3/8 × 52 3/8 in.)

Credit Line

Purchased with funds provided by Dirk Denison and David Salkin and the Chauncey and Marion Deering McCormick Family Foundation

Reference Number


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