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A work made of oil on pine panel.
CC0 Public Domain Designation

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  • A work made of oil on pine panel.


c. 1820


Possibly “Stimp” (active c. 1820)
From the John Moseley House, Southbury, Connecticut

About this artwork

The fireplace and hearth served as the center of eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century American homes. In larger houses that had fireplaces in more than one room, they were often “dressed up” with paintings hung above the mantel and fireboards. The latter were especially common during the summer months, when they were utilized to beautify the gaping hole of the unused fireplace. This fireboard was painted right around 1820, when John Moseley completed the construction of a house on Main Street North in Southbury, Connecticut.


On View, Gallery 169


Arts of the Americas




Southbury (Object found in)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.

c. 1820


Oil on pine panel


87.6 × 116.2 cm (34 1/4 × 45 3/4 in.)

Credit Line

Purchased with funds provided by the Antiquarian Society; Quinn E. Delaney Fund; purchased with funds provided by Mrs. Herbert A. Vance, Charles C. Haffner III, and Jan Pavlovic

Reference Number


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