Flagstaff, AZ, Generations in Clay: Pueblo Pottery of the American Southwest (organized by American Federation of Arts, New York), July 1980–Oct. 1980, cat. fig. 36; Richmond, VA, Museum of Fine Arts, Nov. 18, 1980–Jan. 4, 1981; Madison, WI, Elvehjem Museum of Art [Chazen Museum of Art], University of Wisconsin–Madison, Feb. 8–Mar. 29, 1981; Evanston, IL, Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, May 13–June 28, 1981; Santa Ana, CA, Bowers Museum, closed Sept. 30, 1981; Midland, MI, Midland Center for the Arts, Nov. 1–29, 1981; Seattle Art Museum, Jan. 21–Mar. 14, 1982; Phoenix, AZ, Heard Museum, May–June 6, 1982.