Sonnets et eaux-fortes
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (French, 1796-1875), Jean François Millet (French, 1814-1875), Édouard Manet (French, 1832-1883), Léon Gaucherel (French, 1816-1886), Emile Levy (French, 1826-1890), Edmond Morin (French, 1824-1882), Felix Henri Giacomotti (French, 1828-1909), Celestin Nanteuil (French, 1813-1873), Armand Queyroy (French, 1830-1893), Gustave Doré (French, 1832-1883), Charles Courtry (French, 1846-1897), Jules Jacques Veyrassat (French, 1828-1893), Joseph-Victor Ranvier (French, 1832-1896), George James Howard (English, 1843-1912), Gustave Adolphe Jundt (French, 1830-1884), Jean Léon Gérôme (French, 1824-1904), Hendrik Leys (Belgian, 1815-1869), Félix Élie Régamey (French, 1844-1907), Edwin Edwards (English, 1823-1879), Claudius Popelin (French, 1825-1892), Francis Seymour Haden (English, 1818-1910), Tancrède Abraham (French, 1836-1895), Maurice Emmanuel Lansyer (French, 1835-1893), François Louis Français (French, 1814-1897), Jules Héreau (French, 1839-1879), Léopold Flameng (Belgian and French, 1831-1911), Johan Barthold Jongkind (Dutch, 1819-1891), Charles-François Daubigny (French, 1817-1878), Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart (French, 1837-1880), Ignaz Frankel Ingomar (Hungarian, 1838-1924), Victor Marie Hugo (French, 1802-1885), François Emile Ehrmann (French, 1833-1910), Victor Julien Giraud (French, 1840-1871), Maxime Lalanne (French, 1827-1886), Augustin Théodule Ribot (French, 1823-1891), Edmond Hédouin (French, 1820-1889), François Feyen-Perrin (French, 1826-1888), Jules Michelin (French, 1815-1870), Félix Henri Bracquemond (French, 1833-1914), Marc-Louis-Emmanuel Solon (French, 1835-1913), Paul Adolphe Rajon (French, 1843-1888), and Émile Boilvin (French, 1845-1899)
poetry by Jean Aicard (French, 1848-1921), Joseph Autran (French, 1813-1877), Théodore de Banville (French, 1823-1891), Auguste Barbier (French, 1805-1882), Louis Bouilhet (French, 1822-1869), Henri Cazalis (French, 1840-1909), Léon Cladel (French, 1835-1902), François Coppée (French, 1842-1908), Antoni Deschamps (French, 1800-1869), Émile Deschamps (French, 1791-1871), Léon Dierx (French, c.1838-1912), Emmanuel Des Essarts (French, 1839-1909), Anatole France (French, 1844-1924), poetry by Théophile Gautier (French, 1811-1872), Albert Glatigny (French, 1839-1873), Édouard Grenier (French, 1819-1901), José Maria de Heredia (Cuban, 1842-1905), Ernest d’Hervilly (French, 1839-1911), Arsène Houssaye (French, 1815-1896), Georges Lafenestre (French, 1837-1919), Victor de Laprade (French, 1812-1887), Laurent-Pichat (French, 1823-1886), Leconte de Lisle (French, 1818-1894), André Lemoyne (French, 1822-1907), Robert Luzarche (French, 1845-1871), Gabriel Marc (French, 19th century), Judith Gautier (French, 1845-1917), Catulle Mendès (French, 1841-1909), Alfred Mérat (French, 1840-1909), Paul Meurice (French, 1820-1905), Armand Renaud (French, 1836-1895), Louis-Xavier de Ricard (French, 1843-1911), Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve (French, 1804-1869), Joséphin Soulary (French, 1815-1891), Sully Prudhomme (French, 1839-1907), Paul Armand Silvestre (French, 1837-1901), André Theuriet (French, 1833-1907), Auguste Vacquerie (French, 1819-1895), Léon Valade (French, 1841-1883), Paul Verlaine (French, 1844-1896), and Jean Vireton (French, 19th century)
illustrations by E. Renard (French, 19th century) and engraved by Alfred Prunaire (French, 1837–1912)
edited by Philippe Burty (French, 1830-1890)
published by Alphonse Lemerre (French, 1838-1912)
text printed by Jules Claye (French, 1806–1886)
etchings printed by A. Salmon (French, 19th century)