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Like Rats from a Sinking Ship

A work made of stencil.

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  • A work made of stencil.


December 20, 1944


Petr Ashotovich Sarkisian
(Born Moscow, 1922; died Moscow, 1970)
Dem’ian Bednyi
(Born Gubovka, 1883; died Moscow, 1945)

About this artwork


Currently Off View


Prints and Drawings


Petr A. Sarkisian


Like Rats from a Sinking Ship


Russia (Artist's nationality:)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.





Many of Hitler’s administrators, understanding the inevitability of Germany’s defeat, are preparing to abscond to neutral countries with significant resources. (From the newspapers) The Fascist rats are making plans; Some rats are already on their way: Packing their suitcases, Across the seas and oceans They hurry to countries Where they might escape their deaths. But the vile rats must still answer! Whether it’s an island, or distant peninsula, There won't be a place in the world Where the German rats will not be found. Nature will have its way: In vain the rat fools itself, “I can scurry into the bushes or under a bridge!” Wherever the rat hides its head, His long tail will betray him!


171 × 125 cm (67 3/8 × 49 1/4 in.)

Credit Line

Gift of the USSR Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries

Reference Number


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