Paul Rosenberg (1881–1959), Paris [email from Ilda Francois, Paul Rosenberg Archives, Sept. 7, 2011; photocopy in curatorial file]; confiscated by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), German Embassy, Paris [this and the following according to Cultural Plunder by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg: Database of Art Objects at the Jeu de Paume, Paul Rosenberg Collection, ERR inventory no. PR 32; photocopy in curatorial file]; transferred to the Musée du Louvre, Paris, Nov. 1940; transferred to Jeu de Paume, Paris, Sept. 5, 1941; exchanged with Gustav Rochlitz (Apr. 3, 1889–1972) on behalf of Hermann Göring (Jan. 12, 1893–Oct. 15, 1946), Paris, from Nov. 27, 1942 [Office of Strategic Services, Art Looting Investigation Unit, APO 413, “Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 1: Activity of the Einsatzstab Rosenberg in France,” p. 43, National Archives; photocopy in curatorial file]. Paul Pétridès (1901–1993), Paris, by Nov. 1943 [Lejard 1943]. Gustav Rochlitz, by July 1944; Hermann Göring, Baden Baden, from July 1944. Restituted to Paul Rosenberg, New York [Yeide 2009]; sold to Chauncey McCormick (Dec. 7, 1884–Sept. 8, 1954) and Marion Deering McCormick (June 5, 1886–Jan. 12, 1965), Chicago, by May 15, 1947; probably by descent to their son, Brooks McCormick (Feb. 23, 1917–Aug. 15, 2006), Chicago and Warrenville, IL, by Jan. 12, 1965–Aug. 15, 2006; by descent to Brooks McCormick Estate, Aug. 15, 2006; bequeathed to the Art Institute of Chicago, Sept. 10, 2007.