About this artwork
Jean (known in Spain as Juan) Laurent was one of the most recognized photographers of 19th-century Spain. He developed a thriving portrait business, documented Spanish public works projects, and produced an encyclopedic survey of Spanish and Portuguese architecture. In the mid-1860s, Laurent was permitted to photograph in the Royal Armory of Madrid, which housed rare personal arms and armor of monarchs from the 15th century onward. He released a catalogue detailing 187 different images from the collection, including this image of half-armor bearing the insignia of King Philip III. Set against a stark black background, the suit of armor seems to hover as if waiting for its wearer.
- Currently Off View
- Photography and Media
- Juan Laurent
- Musket-Proof Half Armor of King Philip III (Media Armadura a Prueba de Mosquete del Rey Felipe III)
- France (Artist's nationality:)
- Made 1863–1873
- Albumen print
- Image/paper: 34.6 × 25.1 cm (13 5/8 × 9 15/16 in.); Mount: 49 × 38 cm (19 5/16 × 15 in.)
Credit Line
- Purchased with funds provided by John A. Bross in memory of E. B. Smith
Reference Number
- 2006.315
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/188838/manifest.json
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