About this artwork
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld became a member of the Nazarene Brotherhood in Rome at an early age and adopted their historicizing linearity and interest in Renaissance artists Raphael and Albrecht Dürer. King Ludwig I of Bavaria, an enthusiastic promoter of German national culture, commissioned Schnorr von Carolsfeld to paint fresco murals of scenes from German history for his royal residence. This monumental study for the Charlemagne room depicts the emperor defeating the Saxon leader Wittekind at Fritzlar near Bürberg, which occurred in the eighth century. Placed before the Bürberg church and flanked by angels, Charlemagne is depicted as the protector and patron of the Christian state.
- Currently Off View
- Prints and Drawings
- Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
- Defeat of Wittekind near Bürberg
- Germany (Artist's nationality:)
- Made 1835
- Graphite and red chalk, with brush and brown wash, on cream laid paper (pieced at top)
- Signed with a monogram and dated recto, lower left, in pen and brown ink: "IS / November 1835"; inscribed, upper center, in pen and brown ink: "775"; lower right, in pen and brown ink: "Besiegung Wittekinds bei Bürberg"; lower right, in pen and brown ink: "IV"; inscribed verso, lower left, in pen and brown ink: "Die Franken besitzen" [?] lange schwerter und kurze Speere / Grimms deutsche Altertumskunde Klemm"; lower left, in graphite: "Lindenscheidt Die Kämpfer trugen zwei Schwerter / 2 Sch. bronz / …"
- 55.7 × 66 cm (21 15/16 × 26 in.)
Credit Line
- Gift of Dorothy Braude Edinburg to the Harry B. and Bessie K. Braude Memorial Collection
Reference Number
- 2013.1025
IIIF Manifest
- https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/186408/manifest.json
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