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Triptych Icon

A three-part panel featuring a variety of scenes, vertically stacked and richly painted. The central panel features the Virgin Mary and and Child flanked by archangels Gabriel and Michael, twelve disciples below them in grid formation.
CC0 Public Domain Designation

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  • A three-part panel featuring a variety of scenes, vertically stacked and richly painted. The central panel features the Virgin Mary and and Child flanked by archangels Gabriel and Michael, twelve disciples below them in grid formation.


Late 17th century


Central Ethiopia
Eastern and Southern Africa

About this artwork

Although Orthodox Christianity has been practiced in the highlands of Ethiopia since the 4th century, this elaborate triptych is rendered in the courtly First Gonderine style, which flourished during the reign of King Iyyasu I (1682–1706) and incorporated bold, richly decorated forms and figures. With its central panel featuring the Virgin Mary and child Jesus flanked by archangels Gabriel and Michael, this icon reflects the popularity of Marian worship within the Ethiopian liturgy.


Currently Off View


Arts of Africa


Triptych Icon


Ethiopia (Object made in)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.

Made 1682–1706


Tempera on linen, mounted on wood and bound with cord


67 × 74 cm (26 3/8 × 29 1/8 in.)

Credit Line

Director's Fund

Reference Number


IIIF Manifest  The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) represents a set of open standards that enables rich access to digital media from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions around the world.

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