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Kamishimo (Kyôgen Costume)

A work made of silk, cotton and gold leaf over lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 5:1 'z' twill weave with weft-float faced 1:2 'z' twill interlacings of supplementary patterning wefts and secondary binding warps; b: lined with silk, warp-float faced 3:1 's' twill weave; c: lined with silk and cotton, plain weave.

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  • A work made of silk, cotton and gold leaf over lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 5:1 'z' twill weave with weft-float faced 1:2 'z' twill interlacings of supplementary patterning wefts and secondary binding warps; b: lined with silk, warp-float faced 3:1 's' twill weave; c: lined with silk and cotton, plain weave.


1901/50, Shôwa period (1926–1989)



About this artwork


Currently Off View




Kamishimo (Kyôgen Costume)


Japan (Artist's nationality:)

Date  Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.

Modeled 1901–1950


Silk, cotton and gold leaf over lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 5:1 'Z' twill weave with weft-float faced 1:2 'Z' twill interlacings of supplementary patterning wefts and secondary binding warps; b: lined with silk, warp-float faced 3:1 'S' twill weave; c: lined with silk and cotton, plain weave


b: 87.3 × 77.9 × 90.2 cm (34 3/8 × 30 5/8 × 35 1/2 in.); c: 113 × 90.2 × 18.2 cm (44 1/2 × 35 1/2 × 7 1/8 in.); Repeat: 29.5 × 16.6 cm (11 5/8 × 6 1/2 in.)

Credit Line

Bequest of Mrs. Herman J. Hall

Reference Number


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