About this artwork
Mangbetu and Zande sculptors created a range of utilitarian objects decorated with elements of human anatomy. This lidded box features the head of a woman with a typical halo-shaped hairstyle atop a base shaped like the kind of stool used by women. The body was constructed by wrapping layers of bark into a cylinder. Members of the Mangbetu and Zande nobility used boxes like this one to store valuables such as jewelry and protective charms.
- On View, Gallery 137
- Arts of Africa
- Mangbetu
- Lidded Box
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (Object made in)
- 1900–1950
- Wood, pigment, and raffia cord
- H.: 58.4 cm (23 in.)
Credit Line
- Bessie Bennett and Edward Johnson endowments
Reference Number
- 2001.411
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