About this artwork
- On View, Gallery 397
- Prints and Drawings
- Max Ernst
- Self-Constructed Little Machine
- United States (Artist's nationality:)
- 1919–1920
- Graphite with pen and black ink on tan wove paper
- Signed, lower right: "dadamax ernst"; inscribed, lower left: "SELBSTKONSTRUIERTES MASCHINCHEN IN DIESEM VERRÜHRT ER/MEERSALAT LEITARTIKEL LEIDTRAGENDE UND EISENSAMEN/IN ZYLINDERN AUS BESTEM MUTTERKORN SODAß VORNE DIE/ENTWICKELUNG UND RÜCKWÄRTS DIE ANATOMIE ZU SEHEN IST/DER PREIS STELLT SICH DANN UM 4 MARK HÖHER" (self-constructed little machine in which he mixes sea salad, editorial mourner and iron sperm into cylinders of the best ergot so that the development can be seen in front and the anatomy in back the price is then about 4 marks higher); inscribed, lower center: "PETITE MACHINE CONSTRUITE PAR LUI-MÊME/IL Y MÉLANGE LA SALADE DE MER LA SPERME/DE FER LE PÉRISPERME AMER DE L'UNE CÔTÉ/NOUS VOYONS L'ÉVOLUTION DE L'AUTRE L'ANA-/TOMIE ÇA COUTE 2 SOUS PLUS CHER" (a little machine constructed by himself in which he mixes sea salad iron sperm bitter perisperm on one side we see the evolution on the other the anatomy it costs 2 cents more)
- 46.6 × 31.5 cm (18 3/8 × 12 7/16 in.)
Credit Line
- Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection
Reference Number
- 2018.315
- © 2018 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
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