Krefeld Museum, Rhineland, Germany, by 1944 [1944 annotated list of paintings by Mrs. Feininger in Museum of Modern Art Archives]. Joseph H. Hirshhorn, New York, by 1958 [letter June 9, 1958 from Julia Feininger to Abram Lerner, Curator, Hirshhorn Collection]. Harold Diamond, New York, 1960 [receipt, March 3, 1960, in Hirshhorn Collection Archives]. Martin Nachman, New York [receipt, June 2, 1972, from E. V. Thaw, New York, in curatorial file]. Maurice and Muriel F. Fulton, Glencoe, Ill., June 2, 1972 to December 1991 [receipt, June 2, 1972, from E. V. Thaw, New York, in curatorial file]; given to the Art Institute, 1991.