Possibly Jacopo Bassano (died 1592), Venice [inventory of studio content dated April 27, 1592, drawn up shortly after the artist’s death, “No. 130. L’Istoria d’Ateo, d’un braccio d’ogni banda” (The Story of Actaeon, one braccio in every direction); see Giambatista Verci, “Notizie intorno alla vita e alle opere de’pittori, scultori e intagliatori dell città di Bassano,” Venice, 1775, p. 75]. Dupille, Paris, by 1763 [engraved by E. Fessard; see Crozat, 1763.] E. and A. Silberman Galleries, New York, by 1939 [Letter from Charles H. Worcester’s secretary to Silberman of October 5, 1939, in curatorial file]; sold by Silberman to Charles H. Worcester, Chicago, 1939; given to the Art Institute, 1939.