Dorothy Hughes (American, born 1936) Chicago, Illinois, United States
About this artwork
Chicago-based artist Dorothy Hughes creates what she calls “sculptural tapestry … drawn from the complex order of contrasts and harmony found within the life of natural forms.” Here, Hughes overlapped 37 woven strips to create a textural composition, clustering them together and even threading them through each other, resulting in deep shadows. The coarse weave that results conveys an earthy solidity that is echoed in Hughes’s shades of brown.
Dates are not always precisely known, but the Art Institute strives to present this information as consistently and legibly as possible. Dates may be represented as a range that spans decades, centuries, dynasties, or periods and may include qualifiers such as c. (circa) or BCE.
Linen, wool and nylon, strips of plain weave and strips of slit tapestry weave
Approx.: 182.9 × 243.8 cm (72 × 96 in.)
Credit Line
Purchased with funds provided by the Textile Society and royalties from The Warner Fund; Illinois Arts Council Partners in Purchase Grant
Reference Number
Extended information about this artwork
Art Institute of Chicago, Elizabeth F. Cheney and Agnes Allerton Textile Galleries, Gift, Bequest and Purchase: A Selection of Textile Acquisitions from 1982–1987, Mar. 18–Aug. 14, 1989.
Art Institute of Chicago, Elizabeth F. Cheney and Agnes Allerton Textile Galleries, Focus on Fiber Art: Selections from the Growing 20th Century Collection, Oct. 6, 1993–Feb. 27, 1994.
Art Institute of Chicago, Elizabeth F. Cheney and Agnes Allerton Textile Galleries, Twenty Years of Textile Society Collecting (1978–1998), Dec. 20, 1997–Mar. 22, 1998.
Art Institute of Chicago, Elizabeth F. Cheney Textile Galleries, Threaded Visions: Contemporary Weavings from the Collection, Feb. 24-Aug. 26, 2024, no cat.
The artist, Chicago [incoming receipt RX16046, May 2, 1986; copy in curatorial object file]; sold to the Art Institute of Chicago, 1986.
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