Maple and Co., Paris [according to label on reverse]. Boussod, Valadon & Cie, Paris [according to Old World Arts label on reverse of painting, copy in curatorial file]. Potter Palmer (died 1902), Chicago, by 1893 [lent to World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893, cat. 2881]. Thurber Art Galleries, Chicago, by 1931 [according to the catalogue of the sale at Grant’s Art Galleries, Chicago, cited below]; sold to Edward Valentine Price, Chicago, by 1931 [according to the sale catalogue citied below; Thurber Gallery closed in 1931]; sale of his collection, Grant’s Art Galleries, Chicago, March 20, 1935, lot 47. Howard Young Galleries, New York [according to label on reverse]. Old World Arts, Ltd., New York by 1937 [according to receipt/label cited below]; sold to Mrs. E. P. Renouf (died 1982), June 5, 1937 [copy of receipt/label, copy in curatorial file]; bequeathed to the Art Institute, 1983.