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990-T)Affiliated Organizations Download Affiliated OrganizationsHonor Roll of Contributors Download Honor Roll of ContributorsBuilding of the Century Campaign Download Building of the Century CampaignPresident’s CircleDownload President’s CircleExhibitions TrustDownload Exhibitions TrustSustaining Fellows Download Sustaining FellowsLions Roundtable, Lions Circle, and Museum Annual Fund Download Lions Circle Round TableCorporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Download Corporate, Foundation, and Government GiftsRestricted Gifts Download Restricted GiftsDonors to the School of the Art Institute Download Donors to the School of the Art Institute 2010 Audited Financial Statement Download Financial Statement Annual Tax Return (Form 990) Download Annual Tax Return (Form 990) Annual Income Tax Return (Form 990-T) Download Annual Income Tax Return (Form 990-T) Report of the Chairman of the Board Download Report of the Chairman of the Board Report of the President and Director Download Report of the President and DirectorReport of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the School Download Report of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the SchoolReport of the President of the School of the Art Institute Download Report of the President of the SAIC Report of the Chairman of the Building of the Century Campaign Download Report of the Chairman of the Building of the Century Campaign Exhibitions Download ExhibitionsAcquisitions Download AcquisitionsTrustees, Officers, and Committees Download Trustees, Officers, and CommitteesAffiliated Organizations Download Affiliated OrganizationsHonor Roll of Contributors Download Honor Roll of ContributorsBuilding of the Century Campaign Download Building of the Century Campaign Report of the TreasurerDownload Report of the Treasurer Sustaining Fellows Download Sustaining Fellows Lions Roundtable, Lions Circle, and Museum Annual Fund Download Lions Circle Round TableCorporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Download Corporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Restricted and Other Gifts Download Restricted and Other Gifts Donors to the School of the Art Institute Download Donors to the School of the Art Institute Volunteers and Docents Download Volunteers and Docents 2009 Audited Financial Statement Download Financial Statement Annual Tax Return (Form 990) Download Annual Tax Return (Form 990) Annual Tax Return (Form 990-T) Download Annual Tax Return (Form 990-T)Report of the Chairman of the Board Download Report of the Chairman of the Board Report of the President and Director Download Report of the President and Director Report of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the School Download Report of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the School Report of the President of the School of the Art Institute Download Report of the President of the SAIC Report of the Chairman of the Building of the Century Campaign Download Report of the Chairman of the Building of the Century Campaign Exhibitions Download Exhibitions Acquisitions Download Acquisitions Trustees, Officers, and Committees Download Trustees, Officers, and Committees Affiliated Organizations Download Affiliated Organizations Honor Roll of Contributors Download Honor Roll of Contributors Building of the Century Campaign Download Building of the Century Campaign Report of the TreasurerDownload Report of the Treasurer Sustaining Fellows Download Sustaining Fellows Lions Roundtable, Lions Circle, and Museum Annual Fund Download Lions Circle Round Table Corporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Download Corporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Restricted and Other Gifts Download Restricted and Other Gifts Donors to the School of the Art Institute Download Donors to the School of the Art Institute Volunteers and Docents Download Volunteers and Docents 2008 Audited Financial Statement Download Financial Statement Annual Tax Return (Form 990)Download Annual Tax Return (Form 990) Annual Income Tax Return (Form 990-T) Download Annual Income Tax Return (Form 990-T) Report of the Chairman of the Board Download Report of the Chairman of the Board Report of the President and Director Download Report of the President and Director Report of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the School Download Report of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the School Report of the President of the School of the Art Institute Download Report of the President of the SAIC Report of the Chairman of the Building of the Century Campaign Download Report of the Chairman of the Building of the Century Campaign Exhibitions Download Exhibitions Acquisitions Download Acquisitions Report of the Treasurer (with charts and graphs) Download Report of the Treasurer Staff and Faculty Download Staff and Faculty Trustees, Officers, and Committees Download Trustees, Officers, and Committees Affiliated Organizations Download Affiliated Organizations Honor Roll of Contributors Download Honor Roll of Contributors Building of the Century Campaign Download Building of the Century Campaign Sustaining Fellows Download Sustaining Fellows Alliance Roundtable and Museum Annual Fund Download Alliance Roundtable and Museum Annual Fund Corporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Download Corporate, Foundation, and Government Gifts Restricted and Other Gifts Download Restricted and Other Gifts Donors to the School of the Art Institute Download Donors to the School of the Art Institute Volunteers and Docents Download Volunteers and Docents 2006 Report of the Chairman of the BoardDownload Report of the Chairman of the Board Report of the President and DirectorDownload Report of the President and Director Report of the President of the School of the Art InstituteDownload Report of the President of the SAIC Report of the Board of GovernorsDownload Report of the Board of Governors Report of the Chairmans Campaign Download Report of the Chairmans Campaign ExhibitionsDownload Exhibitions AcquisitionsDownload Acquisitions Report of the Treasurer (with charts and graphs)Download Report of the Treasurer Trustees, Officers, and CommitteesDownload Trustees, Officers, and Committees 2005 Report of the Chairman of the BoardDownload Report of the Chairman of the Board Report of the President and DirectorDownload Report of the President and DirectorReport of the President of the School of the Art InstituteDownload Report of the President of the SAICExhibitionsDownload ExhibitionsAcquisitionsDownload AcquisitionsReport of the Treasurer (with charts and graphs)Download Report of the Treasurer Trustees, Officers, and CommitteesDownload Trustees, Officers, and Committees Affiliated OrganizationsDownload Affiliated OrganizationsVolunteers and DocentsDownload Volunteers and Docents 2004 New AcquisitionsDownload Acquisitions List 2003 New AcquisitionsDownload Acquisitions List 1936 Annual Report 1935 Annual Report 1934 Annual Report 1933 Annual Report 1932 Annual Report 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